Costs to attend are all-inclusive of all classes and activities, overnight lodging (or site-use fee for commuters), and meals.
Cost is based on how many roommates you'll have. If you don't know who you want to room with, you can email us later - just type in "tell you later" or "assign one for me." If there's info we need to know in order to assign a good room for you, email [email protected]
We use all buildings except The Barn for housing during band camp. We do our best to accommodate needs and preferences. Most of the single occupancy rooms will have a shared bathroom. Triple and Double occupancy rooms have bathrooms either in the room or right next to the room.
When a registration option fills up, the "Join waitlist" will show as an option. Joining the waitlist will NOT secure you a spot for camp. If you wish to secure a spot in band camp, choose a different occupancy room type and complete the registration. Then follow the instructions in the confirmation email to indicate the kind of room you would prefer.
Would your spouse/partner like to come but not take the classes? First choose Double occupancy for yourself and fill out all the registration information, then choose "add another registrant" and choose non-participating spouse. The total cost for you as a couple: $1455.